Friday, July 07, 2006

A flower that died in the angry rain...

Did you see that flower
she was the first thing
as i revved up the engine of my car
that caught my eye

There she stood alone
dancing in the breeze
So delicate and so pretty
flocked by so many bumble-bees

There was something so different
so very unique about her
I suddenly wanted to be a butterfly
and weave my world around her

This sudden urge inside me
to have her soft petals
Feel her softness on my lips
her softness on my skin
take her deep, deep...into my soul
...deep within

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I wanted to get down from my car
go pluck her and keep her with me
on a pedestal so very high
my companion all my life

But then it began raining
so very, very hard
Cruel, hard raindrops
seemed like a blizzard!

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I would get my clothes wet
if i got out of my car
and not to mention if there would
be hailstorms
I was scared, afraid I would get scarred

Catch you later, you beauty
I cannot come now and get you
Maybe After the rain & the hailstorms
have calmed down
I will definitely have the courage to beget you!

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From my closed window pane
I could see her thrashing and swaying
wildly in the rain
The cruel, hard raindrops were killing her
and she seemed in great pain...

I should have got down from my car
and got her
It shouldnt have mattered about getting wet
drenched or sick...
They all now seemed so insignificant
that flower who had cast a magical spell
upon me had died...
died by the onslaught of
the angry rain...

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- Gayatri Shenoy 08/07/2006

1 comment:

Sudhaushu said...

Though everybody calls him a fool...
Little do they think from a different perspective....
How could he pluck a flower off its own place...from where it a dry,un-natural place....
Should he be picking the flower, off the plant, for his own happiness...
The flower will bloom back when the rain stops.....its not the end...
Fool is the one...who thinks every nightfall is the end of the world....
Fool is the one who criticizes the Sun for not being there at night..little does he know...its the earth that turns...